Have your payment method ready. Payment can be made by credit card or check. Checks must be made out to "Florida Education Foundation" and mailed within 10 business days of registration. The Florida Education Foundation is the fiscal agent for attendee registration. If you require a W-9, please contact the HSSA registrar to receive one.
Indicate on the registration form when asked if you have a food allergy and/or ADA accommodation request. The Healthy Schools team will do its best to accommodate those who have food allergies and ADA requests.
Understand the Cancellation Policy which is that registration payments are non-refundable but transferable. If you must cancel your registration, please contact HSSA registrar to make arrangements to transfer the payment for another attendee.
The Florida Department of Education's Title IV Part A (T4A) team is offering housing scholarships to 50 participants. The housing scholarship will cover one night at the Spring Hill Suites hotel that is adjacent to the RP Funding Center. If you request a housing scholarship when registering, you must make your own room reservation at the designated hotel scholarship hotel using the official link by April 26, 2024. You will be notified in mid-May regarding approval.